Tuesday, 9 September 2008

Week 8 Workshop - 2D Shapes

This week in our workshop we explored 2D shapes. Firstly, we constructed a 3D shape. We were given two pre-drawn nets of two 3D shapes which we cut out, constructed and sticky-taped together. Then we stuck the two 3D shapes together, and formed a triangular based pyramid. Afterwards, we reflected on what children would actually learn from such an activity if it were being done in a classroom. We discussed the fact that without further discussions about the 3D shape and its attributes, the activity would at best be providing children a chance to work on their fine motor skills and at worst be a complete waste of time.

This got me thinking - what is the purpose of constructing nets? It is supposed to help children understand and visualise the attributes of a 3D shape. Constructing 3D shapes using pre-drawn nets reduces the amount of visualisation and mathematical thinking children need to do, and can easily become a waste of time. Perhaps a better idea would be to get the children to construct their own nets. This may take more time, and may require children to persist through difficulties and multiple attempts. However, if the children are provided with appropriate scaffolding, they should come away with a deeper appreciation of the attributes of 3D shapes, than if they simply constructed a shape using a pre-drawn net.

Secondly, we discussed naming of common 2D shapes. This took up the majority of our lesson. We discussed terms such as: quadrilateral, polygon, rhombus, rectangle, square, trapezium, parallelogram...we discussed how some shapes fit into multiple categories, e.g. a square can also be classified as a quadrilateral, polygon, rhombus, parallelogram, a rectangle and a trapezium (according to the Australian definition of the word). We concluded by saying that what matters most about the teaching and learning of shapes in the early childhood years is developing children's abilities to describe and recognise attributes of shapes. This skill is more important than ascribing the right names to the shapes.

Furthermore, one of the research findings of the study summarised in Hannibal (1999) showed that when the research participants were asked to identify which shapes are triangles from a number of stimuli presented, younger children in particular often drew upon "self-determined triangle-defining criteria" (p.355). It was also shown that this occurred more frequently when other shapes which were easily recognised to not be triangles such as a circle and a square were not present in the stimuli. According to Hannibal (1999) "teachers need to move beyond having children just label shapes to having them understand what defines a shape category" (p.356). In other words, it is important to help children identify the integral attributes of a shape and distinguish these from other non-intregral attributes such as size, ratio and orientation, in order to avoid the development misconceptions in regards to what constitutes shapes such as a triangle, a square, a rectangle, a pentagon, and so forth. Other implications for some teachers may include correcting some of their own misconceptions of what are integral and non-integral attributes of these shapes.

It has been suggested that the common usage of proto-typical shapes (in books, posters or worksheets on shapes) has contributed to the development of these misconceptions held by children (and perhaps even teachers). For example, if children are used to seeing equilateral triangles but are unfamiliar with seeing isosceles or scalene triangles, they are more likely to mistaken non-integral attributes (such as "three sides have to be equal") as integral attributes of a triangle. Therefore teachers should use more non-prototypical shapes in the classroom and including different examples of shapes, in order to show that size, orientation and ratio are not integral attributes.

Thirdly, in the workshop, we participated in an activity which focused on identifying and describing attributes of shapes. This involved creating different polygons out of pieces of paper. We were encouraged to form non-prototypical shapes. Each participant created as many shapes as they could in the given time, then we were asked to sort our shapes by one attribute. The photographs below show how my group sorted our shapes by the attributes of "number of sides".

Starting with shapes that have three sides, four sides, five sides, six sides and so forth...

Then we subcategorised each of our categories. For the shapes that have three sides we divided our shapes into triangles that contain a right-angle (right-angle triangles) and those that did not contain a right angle triangle. The pink line was used to show the subdivision.

We also subdivided our four sided shapes (quadrilaterals) into two groups. We created one group of quadrilaterals that have no right angles, a group of quadrilaterals that have four right angles. Then, we further subdivided the second group (of shapes with four right angles) into shapes that have four equal sides and those who do not.

We sub-divided the five-sided shapes (pentagons) into those that contained a reflex angle and those that do not.

With the activity, the main focus was on identifying and describing attributes of shapes, and justifying the reasoning behind how these shapes were sorted. Another research finding outlined in Hannibal (1999) suggested that when the children were more likely to make correct catagorisation decisions when asked to provide explainations of the reasoning for their decisions in the triangle sorting task. Justifying decisions requires one to reflect on one's actions, which also provides opportunities for self-correction.

From participating in this activity, I also see its potential to assist teachers in identifying misconceptions held by their students (for example if they experience difficulties in counting the number of sides of a shape) as well as develop children's conceptual understandings about shape that is foundational for future geometry learning. It is only by being able to identify and describe the attributes that they can develop a comprehensive understanding of why a square is also a rectangle - which is because that its attributes fulfils both the criterion of a rectangle (a quadrilateral with four right angles and therefore have two sets of parallel sides of equal length) and a square (a quadrilateral with four right angles and all four equal sides are of equal lengths).

Monday, 1 September 2008

There were ten in the bed...

Clarkson (2006) suggests that rhymes and folktales can be useful and creative resources for teaching mathematics. I have developed this resource as a response to the article.

Original Rhyme: There were ten in the bed and the little one said, “Roll over, roll over...

Teaching focus: Can be used for counting backwards or subtraction – each time a child rolls over, there’s one less

My variations:

Teaching focus: to help children understand the connections between the different operations by focusing on division by repeated subtraction (Reys et. al., 2006)

There were ten in the bed and the little one said, “Hey, two of you, roll over, roll over...”
How many times will the little one have to say “two of you roll over” for all ten to end up off the bed?

Teaching focus: to help children understand the connections between the different operations by focusing on multiplication by repeating addition (Reys et. al, 2006).

And then (after they have all rolled off)...There were none in the bed and the little one said, “Hey five of you, roll on the bed...”

How many are there now?

Child: Five

What if the little one said it again? “Hey, let all five of us roll on the bed...” how many would there be then?

Child: Ten

How did you know?

Child 1: Because I counted five more than five, so the answer is ten.

Did someone else have another way?

Child 2: Because I know that five plus five is ten.

Are there any more ways to working it out?

Child 3: Yes, five times two is ten.

Clarkson, P. (2006). Rhyming and folk tales. Australian Primary Mathematics Classroom. 11(4), 18-22.

Reys, R. E. et. al. (2006). Helping children learn mathematics. Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons

Set the table

Teaching focus:

This resource focuses on young children's understanding of number. It aims to help children establish the connections between different ways of representing number (Askew, 1999). Depending on how the resource is used, it can foster children to develop number recognition, number identification, or number representation skills.

How to play:
Each child is given a plate and a place-mat, and only one of the items from the following list:
  • fork (contains numbers represented by numerals )
  • knife (containsnumbers represented by dots set out according to the domino pattern)
  • dessert spoon (contains the numbers represented by tally marks set out in groups of five)
  • tea-spoon (contains numbers represented by words)
  • a certain number of donuts (representing the "how-many" of the number)

The children are then asked to find the other representations of the number they have been given and set the table. Below is an example of different ways of representing the number five.


Original meaning = "instantly seeing how many" (Clements, 1999, p. 400)

Two types of subitizing:

1. Perceptual – “Recognising a number without using other mathematical processes” (Clements, 1999, p.401)

2. Conceptual – Recognising number patterns as being made up of parts and as also recognising that those parts are a part of a whole (Clements, 1999)

The skill of subitizing contributes to children’s mathematical understanding because...

  • It helps children to develop efficient addition and subtraction strategies because they are able to see objects as parts of a whole. E.g. by being able to subitize 5 and 3 makes it easier to develop count-on methods when adding two groups of numbers together – five...six, seven, eight. So there’s eight dots all together
  • Being able to subitize also assists children to better understand number families – or the concept of the inverse relationship between subtraction and addition, or even addition and multiplication E.g. Using a five-frame: “I know that there’s three there, and if I add two more, it will be full so I know there will be five. Then if I take three away, there will be two left”.

Resources to develop subitizing skills:

Dice games
(perceptual subitizing) – e.g. teddy bear races (Board of Studies NSW, 2002)
Motivates children to recognise the number of dots on the dice quickly

Quick images.... (Clements, 1999)

With dotty plates (to develop perceptual subitizing) E.g. Flash a dotty plate at the children and quickly take it away, then ask "How many dots were on that plate?"

These plates were made according to Clements' (1999, p. 403) guidelines for introducing children to subitizing:

  1. Groups should not be embedded in pictorial contexts
  2. Simple forms such as homogenous groups or circles or squares rather than pictures of animals or mixtures of any shapes should be used for the units
  3. Regular arrangements should be emphasized, and most should include symmetry, with linear arrangements...and rectagular arrangements
  4. Have good figure ground contrast

With Ten-frames and five-frames (to develop conceptual subitizing)

How many are there?
How did you work it out?
I saw two groups of three
I saw there were four sqaures left and I know that 10 - 4 = 6

Board of NSW. (2002). Developing efficient numeracy strategies: stage 1. Sydney: Department of Education and Training

Clements, D. H. (1999). Subitizing: what is it? Why teach it? Teaching Children Mathematics, 5(7), 400-405

Guess which number

How to play...
This resource was developed based on the traditional game of guess who. Two players each take a gameboard and select a yellow number card from the pile. The aim of the game is to guess the number on the other players number card. Players take turns asking each other questions to help them figure out what the number is. For example, the player on the blue team may ask, "Is your number smaller than 10?" If the player on the pink team's answer is "no", the then the player on the blue team should close all the flaps that show numbers that are smaller than ten; if the answer is "yes" then they should close all the flaps that show numbers that are bigger than ten. The player that offers the the number on the yellow card held by their opponent correctly wins the game.

All components of this resource have been laminated to ensure durability.

The game boards:
Each gameboard contains 24 flaps, each with small clear tabs to allow the windows to close effectively.

In addition, the numbers that sit underneath the window can be removed and changed to larger numbers to increase the level of difficulty.

Teaching focus:
This game focuses on children developing a deeper understanding of number properties. It fosters turn-taking and encourages children to talk to each other as well as strategizing using mathematical thinking.

100-Chart Battleships

This maths resource is a game which I developed, called 100-chart battleships.

Teaching focus:

The main focus of it is to provide a motivation for children to become familiar with the 100 chart and be able to develop strategies for locating numbers on it efficiently. There are two levels of difficulty - the easy level (shown in red) contains all of the numbers from 1 to 100; whereas the more difficult level (shown in blue) contains only the numbers on the top row (1-10) and in the first column (1, 11, 12...to 91). Other benefits of this game are that it encourages children to talk to each other, and strategise.


The rules of the game are the same as a tradition game of battle-ships. Two players each take a gameboard. Each gameboard contains two grids. Each player places their battleships on one grid and uses the other grid to try to locate the other player's ships. The players take turn calling out numbers, if for example the player on the blue team calls out 58 and the player on the red team has to look to see if the number 58 on his or her grid has a part of a ship on it. If it does not he/she calls out "miss", if it does he/she calls out "hit" or "sink" if it is the last part of the battleship that has not been hit.

Take Some Buttons...

Ideas for teaching the beginning processes with a simple bag of buttons...

Identifying and describing attributes - pick up a button and tell me something about what it looks like...

E.g. This button is pink, it is big, it has two holes...

Matching - pick up two buttons that have something in common with each other and tell me how they are the same...

E.g. These two buttons are both green; and those two buttons have the same shape

Sorting - can you sort these buttons by size and by shape?

E.g. I have sorted these buttons by size. If you look down each column all the buttons have the same size...

E.g. I have sorted these buttons by size and shape. If you look across all the buttons have similar colours and if you look downwards, all the buttons are the same size...

Comparing - Can you compare these two buttons?

E.g. This one (on the left is bigger) and that one (on the right) is smaller. The bigger one has two holes and the littler one has four holes...

Ordering - Can you order these buttons from biggest to smallest?


Which one is the biggest? (The yellow one)
Which one is the smallest? (The white one)
The pink button is bigger than which buttons? (The brown and the white)
The blue one is smaller than which button? (The yellow one)

Patterning - please make a pattern using some buttons then tell me about it?


What kind of pattern is it? (It is a repeating pattern)
What part repeats? What is the core? (pink, green, blue)
What would come next? (pink)
What is a different way of making this pattern? (clap, stomp, click, clap, stomp, click...)

Rational Counting


For understanding the how-many-ness of a group of objects, which is a necessary pre-requisite skill for understanding the operations addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (Unglaub, 1997).

Five Principles of Rational Counting (Unglaub, 1997):

1. Numeral principle – Any group of objects can be counted

2. Stable-order principle – the order of the numbers used in counting need to stay in a particular order, i.e. one, two, three, four, five

3. One-to-one correspondence principle – When you count objects, you allocate one count per one object

4. Order irrelevance principle – when counting a group of objects, it does not matter which order you count them in as long as each object being counted received one count (no more, no less)

5. Cardinal principle – the last count that is allocated to the last object being counted in a group is indicates the total number of objects that have been counted

Implications for teaching:

· Observe children’s counting experiences to identify correct concepts of misconceptions they may have

· To develop the numeral principle, give children collections of different objects to teach them to count

Look at the number of stars on the bag and put the same number of objects inside

· To develop the stable order principle, practice singing songs and rhymes that include numbers that appear in order, e.g. one, two, three, four, five, once I caught a fish alive...

· One to one correspondence – provide opportunities to use objects such as paddle-pop sticks and cups. Ask the children to count one number word out loud as they drop one paddle pop sticks into the cup.

· Order irrelevance principle – repeat the above activity a number of times, in a number of different orders and discuss if the results are the same

· Cardinal principle – when counting objects, discuss with the children after the last count, so how many mugs are there? How many paddle pop sticks are there?

Unglaub, K. (1997). What counts in learning to count. Young Children, 52 (4), 48-50

Number Sense and Mental Computation

The topic of our workshop today was number sense and mental computation. A whole bag of mixed emotions is the metaphor I would ascribe to my own school experiences of performing number operations and mental computation. I remember that as a child, I enjoyed numbers and by grade two or three I had a good conceptual understanding of what the operations meant. I had rote-learnt the basic number facts before moving to Australia at the age of eight, and since I could not speak English when I first arrived, number facts were in fact a source of comfort for me at school as they were pretty much the only thing I knew how to do.

However, by about grade 4 or 5, even though I learnt my time tables, playing games such as around the world and buzz in front of the whole class always scared me. If I got to stand next to someone who I knew did not know their facts well, I confidently shouted it out, but if I knew that the child next to me was also good at number facts, I would freeze in anticipation of not getting it right quick enough. I remember the boost of confidence when I get it right, and the utter humiliation of getting it wrong, or coming off second best. I wonder how many children these days experience highs and lows when they play those games like I did.

I remember feeling satisfied when I get 100% on the Friday morning quizzes, and my friends saying how much they hated maths when they could not remember 6-times, 7-times and 8-times tables. Then again, my favourite experiences with mental computation is was around grade 5 when my dad (who believed that I was not getting taught enough maths at school) and I would lie on the carpet next to each other, stare at the ceiling and performing mental calculations with two or three digit numbers and comparing strategies. Today’s workshop reminded me of these experiences.

I found comparing strategies of how we did it to be the most enjoyable part. Being given a chance to justify how you got your answer meant you had to have a thorough understanding of what you actually did is satisfying and listening to other people justifying their answers was also interesting. Giving children opportunities to do the same in the classroom would give them a chance to listen to how each other think, compare strategies and choose more efficient strategies. It also gives us, as teachers, insight into the children’s ability to think mathematically and conceptual understanding of the operations which is important in order for them to make connections and transfer mathematical knowledge from one context to another. Discussing strategies take the focus off of getting the right answer, by emphasising the process that justifies one’s answer. This assists students to develop number sense – which is the ability to understand and appreciate how numbers work, what the operations mean conceptually, and how they relate to each other (Bobis, Mulligan & Lowrie, 2004).

Furthermore as a verbal learner, I found strategies such as empty number line and hundred charts useful because it gave me insight as to possible resources and strategies that will help visual learners in my classroom. My prac experiences indicate that there are many of them, and I often struggled to think how they would, and communicate effectively with such children.
I learnt that also exposing children to different strategies is a great thing, presenting each strategy e.g. hundred-chart/ninety-nine chart, empty number line, as units of work is not the best way to teach children. Firstly, it is not unauthentic, as opposed to just presenting the number problem and asking children to suggest ways of solving it.

Secondly, I believe it does not assist students to understand that different strategies can be used to achieve the same outcome, that sometimes strategies can be used interchangeably, and that some strategies are more efficient in one context, but less efficient in another.

Thirdly, it limits children’s ability to choose strategies and identify preferences for themselves which I believe discourages children from taking responsibility for their own learning. As Bobis, Mulligan and Lowrie (2004) highlight, many teachers often spend time and effort imposing procedures at the expense of children actually making meaningfulness of those procedures. I take that to mean, for example, the children are more concerned with remembering to write “the magic one” on top of “the tens column” than understanding what that “magic one” actually means. Or another example, they perform the full algorithm rather than use more efficient strategies of calculating the problem – e.g. adding 100 to 181 (281) and taking away one (280) when calculating 181 + 99 rather than add 9 to 1, write the zero, carry the ten, then add 90 to 90, write down the 80, then carrying the 100, adding it to the other 100, and writing down two hundred (281).

Bobbis, J., Mulligan, J., Lowrie, T. (2004). Mathematics for children: challenging children to think mathematically. Frenchs Forest: Pearson Education Australia.

Promoting Number Sense

Bobis, Mulligan and Lowrie (2004) suggest that promoting number sense is critical to the basic understanding of the application of mathematics in real-life situations, which according to Perso (2006) is the basis of being numerate. Bobis, Mulligan and Lowrie (2004) further highlight the concern of many educators, with regards to the lack number sense of many children who are used to performing number operations without a real conceptual understanding of what the operations mean. As a result, they do not assess the reasonableness of their answers when solving algorithms.

My idea of this very simple resource came as a result of one of our workshop activities where we answered questions such as – Without working it out, is the answer of 35 + 17 more or less than 35 + 18? And why? The idea of this resource is that one double sided sign should be given to each child or group of children in a classroom (see below). The idea is that the teacher can call our questions similar to the one above, and ask the children to display if they think the answer will be more or less/ bigger or smaller. Then the teacher asks specific children to justify the position they have taken.

The benefits of using this resource:
· More children can answer the question at once (teacher can gain a wider indication of where each child is at in terms of their level of understanding)
· If everyone is doing it, it is does not put one child on the spot
· It is easier for teachers to take note of each child or small group of children’s answers compared with if the children are simply calling their answers out
The following are some questions which can be used to assess number sense:
Without working the sums out, tell me...
· 229 + 30, is the answer bigger than 229 or smaller than 229? Why?
· Is 36 + 35 more or less than 39 + 35? Why?
· Is 37 + 35 more or less than 37 + 38? Why?
· Is 27 + 25 more or less than 37 + 25? Why?
· Is 27 + 35 more or less than 37 +39? Why?
Without working out the difference, tell me...
· 14 - 9 is the answer bigger than 14 or smaller than 14?
· Is 28 – 19 more or less than 28-22? Why?
· Is 39 – 25 more or less than 38-25? Why?
· Is 45 – 28 more or less than 45 – 38? Why?
· Is 64 – 18 more or less than 66 – 18? Why?
Without working out the product, tell me...
· Is 105 × 4 more or less than 105? Why?
· 3 × 5 more or less than 9 × 5? Why?
· Is 4 × 7 more or less than 7 × 5? Why?
· Is 6 × 9 more or less than 9 × 5? Why?
· Is 12 × 44 more or less than 13 × 44? Why?
Without finding the quotient, tell me...
· Is 300 ÷ 44 more or less than 300? Why?
· Is 13 ÷ 5 more or less than 12 ÷ 5? Why?
· Is 66 ÷ 3 more or less than 66 ÷ 2? Why?
· Is 49 ÷ 7 more or less than 49 ÷ 9? Why?
· Is 100 ÷ 3 more or less than 100 ÷ 2? Why?

Bobbis, J., Mulligan, J., Lowrie, T. (2004). Mathematics for children: challenging children to think mathematically. Frenchs Forest: Pearson Education Australia.